01-04 FEBRUARY 2023 AYMOD Shoe Fashion Fair Purchasing Committee Organization Registrations Have Started!

It will be held between 01 – 04 February 2023 at IFM-Istanbul Fair Center.

Registration for the organization of the Overseas Purchasing Committee has started at the AYMOD - Shoe Fashion Fair.

Required documents and details are presented below for your attention.

  • Procurement Committee applications are between 09 November 2022 – 14 January 2023.
  • DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS January 14, 2023. No applications will be accepted after this date.
  • Our quota is limited to a maximum of 15 people per participant company and is not a firm commitment. Depending on the quota, the number of guests determined per company can be reduced.
  • A maximum of 2 guests from 1 foreign company will be included in the reception committee. More than 2 guest applications from the same company will not be processed.
  • For each of your guests, the contribution fees specified in the INTERNATIONAL BUYER'S DELEGATION PARTICIPATION FEE SUPPORT TABLE (ANNEX-2) must be paid to the specified account. The contribution amount must be paid together with the application. Applications without payment will not be processed.
  • Purchase committee participation fee support rates vary according to the number of your guests participating in the AYMOD Shoe Fashion Fair.
  • For some countries, pre-purchased GROUP TICKETS are prioritized for the healthy use of the purchasing committee's budget. Ticketing cannot be made for dates and times other than these tickets.
  • The number of guests participating in the AYMOD Fair will be controlled by the TASD General Secretariat.
  • For all ticketing, arrival ticket; at the earliest 1 day before the fair date and at the latest on the 2nd day of the fair, for the return ticket; It will be organized on the 3rd day of the fair at the earliest and 1 day after the end of the fair at the latest. Arrival/departure requests outside these times will not be processed. (Ticketing dates are the earliest arrival 31 January 2023, the latest return 05 February 2023.)
  • After the ticket purchase is made, the cost arising from any changes made in the flights will be reflected to the participant.
  • Guest accommodation is 3 nights, covering the dates of the fair, and each guest who will benefit from the procurement committee organization must stay at least 2 nights. (For example, for an accommodation reservation dated January 31st – February 04th, free accommodation will start as of February 01. The first night accommodation will be reflected as self-payment to the guest.)
  • The upper limit of the Purchase Committee ticketing fee is 15,000 TL for 1 guest, and 50% of the ticket prices exceeding this amount will be covered by the participant company and/or the guest. Guests coming from Russia and Belarus are not included in this application. (Participation fee will be 50% of the ticket price.)
  • BUYER'S DELEGATION REQUEST FORM (ANNEX-1) must be filled in completely and with the correct information about your guests, and the stamp and signed version of your company should be sent to aymod@tasd.com.tr e-mail address. In case of incorrect or incomplete information, the application will not be processed.
  • PURCHASING COMMITTEE COMMITMENT (ANNEX-3) must be sent to the e-mail address aymod@tasd.com.tr with your company's stamp and signature. Applications of participants whose undertakings are not submitted will not be considered.
  • Within the scope of the incentive, a document showing that they work and/or own the companies they are affiliated with and a document showing that the company "is engaged in shoes" will be requested.
  • CURRENT PASSPORT IMAGES of the guests to be hosted within the scope of the delegation will be sent to the aymod@tasd.com.tr e-mail address, together with the BUYER'S REQUEST FORM, THE PURCHASE COMMITTEE COMMITMENT and the CONTRIBUTION PAYMENT SHEET. Applications that do not receive a passport image will not be considered.
  • Applications for the Procurement Committee will be made via the e-mail address "aymod@tasd.com.tr", and applications notified verbally via Whatsapp or on the phone will not be processed.


* You can access the application documents from the links below.



Our Account Information:

Bank: İş Bankası
Account Name:Türkiye Ayakkabı Sanayicileri Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi

IBAN: TR88 0006 4000 0011 2780 4103 05

Contact information:

Official: İpek ERDEM
E-mail: aymod@tasd.com.tr
GSM: 0 545 643 10 40 / 0 545 643 10 60
Address: İ.O.S.B. Aymakoop San. Sit. Trade Center Floor:10 Başakşehir/İSTANBUL